Who doesn't love Summer?? CRAZY PEOPLE!! Summer is a time for fun, tanning, hanging with friends, and complete r&r! There's so many exciting things to do! Leave a comment so you can share your favorite Summer memory or anything you can think of. There will also be a COUNTDOWN TO SUMMER!!!! Whether you're chilling with friends, swimming at the pool, at Schlitterbahn, the beach, or wherever, hope y'all have a great Summer!! (Remember sunscreen!!) ~Audrey~

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Everything I want you to know about Me(:

My photo
My name is Audrey and I am in 7th grade and, at times, LOVING IT! My favorite activities are hanging with my friends, shopping, and going to the beach! I play and have tried many sports but as of right now, I'm a softball player! Next year I'm going to do tennis, track, and dance. I'm a very talkative girl and love having fun. I hate whenever people judge someone they don't even know and I love people that are nice guardless(:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oops! I Forgot About This: Assignment #4

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?: Katelyn Abraham, Hannah Baker, Aaron Heatherly, Miles Mcfaddin, and I have pictures of ourselves on our blogs.

2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?: Kristin Hazel wrote that inspirational quote on her blog.

3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?: Hannah Baker learned contemporary dance this year.

4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?: Shelby Leckrone!!!

5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?: Hannah Head's is my favorite. Six people have posted polls on their blogs.

Next Time You're at the Beach, Stop and Look

Have you ever stopped and taken a picture of the beach and everyone on it? Not to be creepy, but it's quite interesting seeing what everyone's doing and all. In the following picture, there's so much action going on! Everyone will look at the picture in a completely different way.

 Some will notice and question why the little boy is rolling a tire into the water? Or, what is that building in the background? Look at the location, it looks very tropical, possibly it's Florida, California, Hawaii, or somewhere totally different! Those are just a few things people will notice in the picture.

When I look at this picture, I think of one word: Summer. I can feel the refreshing, clear water swallow up my ankles, my toes wiggling buried under the grainy sand, and the Summer sun kissing my cheeks. All around me there are people of all kinds running, relaxing, or soaking up the sun.

There are little kids feverishly rebuilding sandcastles knocked over by rushing waves. At the tiki bar are teens and young adults chatting and drinking non-alcoholic drinks ;) while making new friends and having the time of their lives. Watchful parents are monitoring their young ones and laying out all over the beach enjoying relaxation. In the ocean, there could be sea creatures near and far; little crabs waddle sideways scurrying away from  beach goer's stomping feet or dolphins jumping freely and flying over the wake.

Next time you go to the beach, take a moment to stop and look at everyone and what they're doing. Step into the ocean and see if you can spot sea life in action, or dig on a sandbar to see what all you can see. You'll be very surprised what you may find! The ocean is a very busy, yet, relaxing place to be at for Summer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?: Anna Marie has a spectacular Beatles header.

2. Who wrote about influences?: Helena Anzures wrote a fabulous post all about influences.

3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.: Me, Hannah Head and Mrs. Anzures!!!

4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?: Roger said he's going to own Hunter, but Hunter said he's going to own Roger.

5. Who has been to Cancun?: Aaron Page went on a trip to Cancun? I'm not sure. Either Aaron, Alec, or Michael?

6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?: Ben Snoga has a cousin in the NFL.

7. Who is flyguy899?: Arthur Johnson is flyguy899.

8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?: I think just Mrs. Anzures.

9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?: Miles and Aaron have movie trailers available on their blog.

10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?: Katelyn Abraham's blog title is from “The Sound of Music”.

11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?: The NBCA Band.

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to.": Helana Anzures wrote that in one of her posts.

13. Frederick is...?: Hannah Head's turtle.

14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?: Mrs. Anzures wrote it. 

15. Who is Chancho?: Gracen Bass's pet llama.

16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?: JUSTIN AMAZING HOTTIE BEIBER!

17. What colors are the pentagram?: Red, blue, pink, and black are the colors of the pentagram.

18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?: No one is going to cheerleading camp.

19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?: All of the Grammar Girls except Katelyn Abraham and Ashley Brown. In all, 10.

20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?: Ashley Brown (Pickles Gone Wild) wants you to feed her animals: Her pig, Pinky, and her fishes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There are two requirements that are essential for a great summer. First off, you must get a tan or at least a burn for some of our more tanning-challenged viewers ;) second, it is absolutely MANDATORY you get a cute swimsuit!

If you are cursed with very pale skin, tanning will be difficult for you, but not impossible!!! Yes, there is hope for you all, but PLEASE remember your sunscreen! There are those rare occasions where you will burn then tan, but honestly, who wants to go through the painful, annoying, gooey-plant guts (aloe vera) process of treating sunburn?? Anyway, back to the whole tanning/not burning subject: I was reading up on some actual summer-related articles, and a few tips of obtaining that glorious, golden, Hollywood tan are to 1. (even though I've mentioned this before) WEAR SUNSCREEN! 2. Do not over-tan, just tan for 15-30 minutes maximum. 3. Try not to fall asleep while tanning; the sun will not have any mercy just because you're catching some "Z's". 4. Use a very low concentrated tanning oil (This way, you will get what you want in less time) and 5. The best way to get a natural-looking tan is by playing a sport or doing an activity in the sun. Cooking under the blazing UV rays of the sun make you very prone to skin cancer or burning. I guarantee, if you follow these tips, you're bound to have a tan for summer! (P.S, I'm following these tips as well, so I'll be working on a tan with you!)

Picking the right swimsuit is most definitely mandatory, make sure it fits properly in all the right areas! The main issue all teen girls face when picking out a swimsuit is gapping (front and back), sagging, or it's just plainly not flattering. Also, in order to have a swimsuit that you will absolutely adore, make sure it compliments your body shape and type. For larger girls, I'd recommend a tankini; not a one piece. Ideally, people would think of one pieces but the truth is, they do not flatter or make someone look thinner. They actually enhance everything you do not want! Tankinis not only camouflage, they are SO CUTE! (: For the more skinnier girls, you can ultimately wear any swimsuit you want. But, be careful it doesn't gap or isn't too big. No body wants to lose their top or bottoms! And the most important thing when picking out a swimsuit is make sure you feel confident and cute(:

There you have it, two requirements that are essential for a great summer!

Monday, May 3, 2010

All About Yours Truly (:

I'm Audrey Jonas and I'm 13 years old. I'm very random and think of the weirdest things! I absolutely love all of my friends and I so wish I could drive. My favorite things to do are go to Schlitterbahn in the summer, tan, play sports, listen to music, and sing! I also love roller coasters, I'll ride anything and everything. I love animals, art, and the beach! Honestly, I don't know what I want to be whenever I grow up... Possibly an actrist/singer/famous person, an oceanographer, or an arctitect. I love life and love to talk! There you have it, 8 whole sentences all about me!