Who doesn't love Summer?? CRAZY PEOPLE!! Summer is a time for fun, tanning, hanging with friends, and complete r&r! There's so many exciting things to do! Leave a comment so you can share your favorite Summer memory or anything you can think of. There will also be a COUNTDOWN TO SUMMER!!!! Whether you're chilling with friends, swimming at the pool, at Schlitterbahn, the beach, or wherever, hope y'all have a great Summer!! (Remember sunscreen!!) ~Audrey~

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Everything I want you to know about Me(:

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My name is Audrey and I am in 7th grade and, at times, LOVING IT! My favorite activities are hanging with my friends, shopping, and going to the beach! I play and have tried many sports but as of right now, I'm a softball player! Next year I'm going to do tennis, track, and dance. I'm a very talkative girl and love having fun. I hate whenever people judge someone they don't even know and I love people that are nice guardless(:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Next Time You're at the Beach, Stop and Look

Have you ever stopped and taken a picture of the beach and everyone on it? Not to be creepy, but it's quite interesting seeing what everyone's doing and all. In the following picture, there's so much action going on! Everyone will look at the picture in a completely different way.

 Some will notice and question why the little boy is rolling a tire into the water? Or, what is that building in the background? Look at the location, it looks very tropical, possibly it's Florida, California, Hawaii, or somewhere totally different! Those are just a few things people will notice in the picture.

When I look at this picture, I think of one word: Summer. I can feel the refreshing, clear water swallow up my ankles, my toes wiggling buried under the grainy sand, and the Summer sun kissing my cheeks. All around me there are people of all kinds running, relaxing, or soaking up the sun.

There are little kids feverishly rebuilding sandcastles knocked over by rushing waves. At the tiki bar are teens and young adults chatting and drinking non-alcoholic drinks ;) while making new friends and having the time of their lives. Watchful parents are monitoring their young ones and laying out all over the beach enjoying relaxation. In the ocean, there could be sea creatures near and far; little crabs waddle sideways scurrying away from  beach goer's stomping feet or dolphins jumping freely and flying over the wake.

Next time you go to the beach, take a moment to stop and look at everyone and what they're doing. Step into the ocean and see if you can spot sea life in action, or dig on a sandbar to see what all you can see. You'll be very surprised what you may find! The ocean is a very busy, yet, relaxing place to be at for Summer.


  1. You are so right, everyone will look at this picture and notice completely different things! Well done, Audrey! Great writing and observations!
    ~Mrs. A

  2. Wow! When I first saw this picture all I saw was a beach, but once i read your thing I looked at it in a completely different perspective! Its truely amazing how the way I look at it is completely different than the way you look at it. It shows how amazing God is and how he created us all diferent!:)

